Thursday, November 27, 2014


This morning when many people are sleeping in or putting their turkey in the oven, I was up running. The weather has been amazing this late in the season, and I couldn't help but take advantage of a nice day.

Instead of listening to my regular music mix, I turned on some inspirational tunes and really paid attention to my surroundings.

Some observations:
1. I now know where to go in my neighborhood if I want to run 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 miles.
2. Horse poo changes back into hay when it biodegrates. I swear.
3. Living by new construction has its advantages - can you say porta potties?
4. I wasn't able to run like this last year at this time - and I was over 40 pounds heavier.
5. After the first mile, getting into a groove feels good.

I'm healthy and I'm happy. And for that, I am thankful.

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