Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Booth or Table? How to LOSE the fat mentality

We had a fantastic group last night. As we talked about high's and low's, one of my friends commented that she can finally sit in a booth at a restaurant comfortably now, where as before she always had to request a table. She could fit through the turnstiles at Disneyland without have to go through sideways and for the first time, she could move up her driver's seat from the position its in when her husband sits down. Wow!

This new mentality is a game-changer. What happens when we finally say, "I can do this!" and we do it? For me, running was awful. I never understood people running early in the mornings, rain or shine, period. Now I am one of those people. What happened?

It's when I started believing this statement: I can do hard things.

All the sudden it didn't matter if I had to take a break or walk when I was out. I was still OUT doing something that was hard for me. These changes make you feel powerful.

Next time, ask to sit in a booth.

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