Wednesday, November 5, 2014

My cousin's story - for your OWN sake, keep on!

Cynthia is my cousin. She lives in College Station, Texas and has an incredible story. In fact, she motivates me to run every day. With her permission, I would like to share her story with you:

Yesterday I didn't run. It was too hot. I was maybe getting sick. I didn't have time. Today I wasn't going to run. It's too cold. It's raining. I was up with a stuffy nose half the night. I don't have time. 

Then I remembered. Two years ago, this week, a 225 pound tired, depressed, miserable, embarrassed woman took a few steps out her door. And then took a few more. The next day she did the same. And then took a few more. Rain, sun, time, sickness- there were no excuses. She amazingly and faithfully kept going. Amazing because she had no idea if THIS would be the time. Faithful because she believed it COULD be the time. She had no idea that her journey would be life changing, and quite possibly life saving. 

I am amazed at how strong that woman was. She had no idea. She looked in the mirror and saw failure and humiliation. Her husband and children saw love and beauty. And told her daily. She didn't believe them. But, yet, she still took those first steps. Those hardest steps. Two years later and she's changed my entire physical life. No more asthma. No more chronic migraines. I'm training for my second marathon, because of her - the woman I was two years ago. 

And because of the woman I was two years ago, I ran today. I ran tired, in the rain, with a stuffy nose, even though I don't have time. Because of her. And I still struggle with who I see in the mirror. But I am slowly learning I am so much more than my physical appearance. Because of her. I am in awe of my fellow friends who are beginning or in the middle or even in the "stuck" phase of their own journeys. You are stronger than you know. You are worth more than you know. You can do more than you possibly can imagine. 

I would love to go back in time and show that woman who she became, to help her on those days when she felt hopeless and that she'd never succeed. But she didn't need it. And neither do you. Keep on. Keep on! For goodness sake - for your OWN sake, keep on! (Disclaimer: if Simon Cowell were judging this post he'd say it's self indulgent, and he'd probably be right, but I posted it really in the hopes of encouraging those who are courageously fighting a similar battle every day! Keep on!)

Cynthia pictured (l to r) two years ago, one year ago and this year.

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