Saturday, October 25, 2014

Nice Ride in Minneapolis

I was fortunate to go to visit the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN for a Social Media Summit by Ragan Communications. It was my first time visiting this part of the Midwest, and I had a spectacular time! My conference was incredible and I met a lot of great people.

After the conference I headed a couple hours north to Minneapolis and took in the sights. The weather was a balmy 70 degrees and I walked through the Sculpture Gardens and toured a basilica. The highlight of the day was renting a "Nice Ride" bike and cycling around the Lake of Isles. The lake was beautiful and the leaves were unreal. The only sad part was that my wallet fell out of my basket and someone stole it.

So, I got 20,000 steps that day - the first half was spent in tourist bliss and the second half was spent retracing my steps in the dark to try to find a light brown wallet.

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