Saturday, October 18, 2014

Met my goal to run a 10 K

I entered the Great Pumpkin Race by Herriman Rec Center in keeping with my goals. The morning of the race was perfect - nice weather, not a lot of wind, and a beautiful course on the Jordan River Parkway. 

I wore a Superwoman shirt (not the most original, but symbolic) and was super nervous before the race. I had never run this far in a race before. I made sure to hit the porta potties twice before I started. 

With Latin beats playing on my iPhone, I set out with a couple goals in mind: 1. Finish the race and 2. Finish in an hour.

I ran a good pace and even had someone comment, "Keep going! I've been keeping pace with you the whole time!" What? I was someone's pace runner? Unbelievable! Then an older gentleman called out "Superwoman!" as I ran past him. And I was starting to believe him. It helped me keep going.

The last bit before the finish line was switchbacks up a steep hill. I knew it was going to be tough, but I was so glad when I cleared it. 

And then, for the first time, my sweet little family was at the finish line yelling and cheering me on. I'll never forget it! 

The result? I finished the race in 1 hour and 13 seconds. I took second place in my age division, sixth overall. 

Next up: The Ogden 1/2 Marathon on May 16, 2015

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