Friday, October 3, 2014

Everything is awesome! Everything is cool when your part of the team.

Well, the Lego Movie has real-life application for me this week as I started a 30-day health challenge with some friends at work. The rules are simple and for the first time - a challenge that is based on points you can earn daily for healthy living - rather than pounds or inches lost. I love the idea! Participants can earn up to five points daily by doing the following:

  • 1 point for logging your food on MyFitnessPal (there is that app again!)
  • 1 point for staying under your calorie goal on MyFitness Pal
  • 1 point for 6,500 steps
  • 1 point for getting up to 10,000 steps
  • 1 point for hitting your own personal goal (I chose to drink 64 oz. of water.)
I was already doing some of these things, but with my fitbit I can log my steps and water and sync it to MyFitnessPal. To get all five points has been challenging, but fun. I have gotten up from my desk at work and walked around. I have played more with my kids outside. I take the stairs. 

It's becoming a lifestyle. And that's awesome. 

Watch the Lego Movie trailer here: Lego Movie trailer

To learn more about the challenge, follow

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