Saturday, October 25, 2014

Nice Ride in Minneapolis

I was fortunate to go to visit the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN for a Social Media Summit by Ragan Communications. It was my first time visiting this part of the Midwest, and I had a spectacular time! My conference was incredible and I met a lot of great people.

After the conference I headed a couple hours north to Minneapolis and took in the sights. The weather was a balmy 70 degrees and I walked through the Sculpture Gardens and toured a basilica. The highlight of the day was renting a "Nice Ride" bike and cycling around the Lake of Isles. The lake was beautiful and the leaves were unreal. The only sad part was that my wallet fell out of my basket and someone stole it.

So, I got 20,000 steps that day - the first half was spent in tourist bliss and the second half was spent retracing my steps in the dark to try to find a light brown wallet.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Met my goal to run a 10 K

I entered the Great Pumpkin Race by Herriman Rec Center in keeping with my goals. The morning of the race was perfect - nice weather, not a lot of wind, and a beautiful course on the Jordan River Parkway. 

I wore a Superwoman shirt (not the most original, but symbolic) and was super nervous before the race. I had never run this far in a race before. I made sure to hit the porta potties twice before I started. 

With Latin beats playing on my iPhone, I set out with a couple goals in mind: 1. Finish the race and 2. Finish in an hour.

I ran a good pace and even had someone comment, "Keep going! I've been keeping pace with you the whole time!" What? I was someone's pace runner? Unbelievable! Then an older gentleman called out "Superwoman!" as I ran past him. And I was starting to believe him. It helped me keep going.

The last bit before the finish line was switchbacks up a steep hill. I knew it was going to be tough, but I was so glad when I cleared it. 

And then, for the first time, my sweet little family was at the finish line yelling and cheering me on. I'll never forget it! 

The result? I finished the race in 1 hour and 13 seconds. I took second place in my age division, sixth overall. 

Next up: The Ogden 1/2 Marathon on May 16, 2015

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

"Let me help you reach your goals Mom."

I am about a week in to my 30-day health challenge, and my family is paying attention. My eight-year-old went on a walk with me "to help you reach your goal". They know I am tracking my steps and are encouraging me to succeed. I love having little cheerleaders!

I continue to meet with my friends every Monday night. They have so many good ideas and recipes. My high's this week were starting the 30-day challenge and running 8.4 miles - the farthest I have ever gone! My low's were eating two Blue Lemon sugar cookies (a girl has got to live, right?). I allow myself to have "cheat moments" every once in a while. I am not saying goodbye to carbs and sugar - I am saying I don't need them to feel good. I am rewarding myself in other ways.

Some fun ideas for my favorite comfort food, the pancake:

You can buy this bag at Costco.  One serving has 190 calories, 2 grams of fat, and 14 grams of protein. If you prepare it with milk and eggs, it has 21 grams of protein!

Egg pancakes (you are blending it all together to make the batter, carmel dip is optional)

Friday, October 3, 2014

Everything is awesome! Everything is cool when your part of the team.

Well, the Lego Movie has real-life application for me this week as I started a 30-day health challenge with some friends at work. The rules are simple and for the first time - a challenge that is based on points you can earn daily for healthy living - rather than pounds or inches lost. I love the idea! Participants can earn up to five points daily by doing the following:

  • 1 point for logging your food on MyFitnessPal (there is that app again!)
  • 1 point for staying under your calorie goal on MyFitness Pal
  • 1 point for 6,500 steps
  • 1 point for getting up to 10,000 steps
  • 1 point for hitting your own personal goal (I chose to drink 64 oz. of water.)
I was already doing some of these things, but with my fitbit I can log my steps and water and sync it to MyFitnessPal. To get all five points has been challenging, but fun. I have gotten up from my desk at work and walked around. I have played more with my kids outside. I take the stairs. 

It's becoming a lifestyle. And that's awesome. 

Watch the Lego Movie trailer here: Lego Movie trailer

To learn more about the challenge, follow