Tuesday, September 23, 2014

My name is Laura, and I have joined a weight loss support group

Four friends and I decided to get together every Monday night to share high's and low's, tips and tricks, and healthy recipes. What do we have in common? We are women and we are mothers. That is where the similarities end. We all have different stories but we want the same happy ending - to be healthy. 

Our inaugural "meeting" was last night. We weighed in, shared stories and LAUGHED. There is something cathartic when you realize you are not alone in your successes and failures. One friend shared that she had an ice cream cone at DQ - her failure, yet a success for her family who wanted to go there this last month. Another said goodbye to carbs last week and lost 5.5 pounds - picking up where she left off in February. One got home from a vacation and took a "vacation" from healthy eating, but managed to go running with a dear friend. One ate eight cookies just that day. And yet another had surgery and her progress is slower than she wanted it to go. 

I won't tell you which one I am.

But I FEEL like I am each one of them - can't we all identify with these "low's"? I look forward to posting a summary each week about this group. We even came up with a cool name and t-shirt idea (I've been sworn to secrecy for now, shh). Needless to say, we are each getting three t-shirts: one for right now, and then two of the next smaller sizes for later. 

Because there is going to be a later. I can't wait!

Monday night's recipe

Greek Yogurt Cheesecake

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